Dialogic reading is essentially a reading practice using picture books to enhance and improve literacy and language skills. The basis for this is asking simple questions and following up with expanded questions. There are numerous studies that show the improvements from using this method.
Essentially the practice involves reading interactively with children, even very young children, to help them develop strong comprehension and language skills. Practicing this type of active reading with children from a very young age sets the foundation for strong readers later.
Many parents naturally practice dialogic reading with their babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. If a parent and child are observed reading a book together and the parent asks the child "Where is the Duck?" This is dialogic reading. It is the discourse that takes place about the story and images.
While there are many elements in the complicated process of learning to read, dialogic reading is the activity that will help emergent readers develop strong comprehension skills. It's also a positive effect on oral language development.
Dialogic Reading was pioneered by Dr. Russ Whitehurst. Language is the Key uses a dialogic reading approach. It is also infused with research findings in the areas early language, literacy, and play development; family involvement; language facilitation; bilingual language development; cultural relevance, and adult learning.
A review of dialogic reading with young children.
Dialogic Reading and Emergent Literacy
Emergent literacy refers to speech and language development in young children. This stage begins at birth and continues through the preschool years and is most successful with consistent parental interaction. Studies show it is the quantity and quality of the interaction children receive which develops literacy skills and good attitudes toward reading. Research also confirms language development is a key factor in academic achievement, thus increasing the importance of sound literacy skills in young children.
The process of Dialogical Reading is a technique that has transformed the acquisition of emergent literacy skills because it is a technique that transcends learning disabilities, socio-economic status and family structure due to its ease of use and minimal resource requirement. In essence Dialogic Reading is a conversation about print materials between a parent or caregiver and a child; therefore the only essential resources are time, motivation and a book. The technique is the basis of the American Library Association’s “Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library” campaign and is used throughout the world.
The process of Dialogical Reading is a technique that has transformed the acquisition of emergent literacy skills because it is a technique that transcends learning disabilities, socio-economic status and family structure due to its ease of use and minimal resource requirement. In essence Dialogic Reading is a conversation about print materials between a parent or caregiver and a child; therefore the only essential resources are time, motivation and a book. The technique is the basis of the American Library Association’s “Every Child Ready to Read @ Your Library” campaign and is used throughout the world.
The definition of Dialogic reading
According to a compliation of studies, dialogic reading is essentially a reading practice using picture books to enhance and improve literacy and language skills. The basis for this is asking simple questions and following up with expanded questions. There are numerous studies that show the improvements from using this method.
Using dialogic reading with infants and toddlers
Reading to your child should start soon after birth. Listening to the sound of a voice while trying to focus on pictures can help increase brain waves in the infant and is a pleasant experience for everyone.
Just keep in mind that all children, even infants have good times and bad times so be prepared to postpone reading if your child is grumpy, crying,etc.
To help achieve success, here are some helpful tips to consider:
Just keep in mind that all children, even infants have good times and bad times so be prepared to postpone reading if your child is grumpy, crying,etc.
To help achieve success, here are some helpful tips to consider:
- Develop a langauge rich environment in your home with age appropriate resources
- Make time everyday to read together preferably when there is enough time to allow for a relaxed interaction
- Create a cozy space in your home specifically for the interaction
Practicing Dialogic Reading
There are two acronyms that help guide parents and caregivers when practicing dailogic reading with young children. They are PEER and CROWD.
The Crowd acronym is about the kinds of questions and prompts that an adult can give a child to encourage grater interaction with a text.
CAR Method according to (walearning.com) website from language is the key: Early language is critical for academic success CAR method uses the overarching teaching approach of follow the child’s lead.
- P
Prompt the child to say something about the book. For children under two this may be just a child pointing at an object but this action should be positively reinforced with statements such "oh, that's a flower.". Later at the age of 2 to 4 a child may be asked "What's this book about?" and a response might be "cats" as the child's language and comprehension skills develops they will give a more detailed response.
- E
Evaluate the response. This is important when reading with very young children because it helps guide them in their understanding of the world. When a child points to a picture of a pig and says "dog" an adult can say "no that's a pig. Look at it's has a curly tail." The evaluation gives the child feedback.
- E
Extend the response. To extend the response an adult may develop the detail of a child's response. If a Child responded to a prompt about an image of elephant, saying that it was an elephant, an adult might extend the response by demonstrating an elephant noise.
- R
Repeat. It is important to review what has been read. With very young children this might mean going back to pictures in the book and asking questions about what things are or what noises do things make. repeating also means re-reading. Children love to read their favorite books again and again and this is important for them as they develop their language and comprehension skills.
The Crowd acronym is about the kinds of questions and prompts that an adult can give a child to encourage grater interaction with a text.
- Crowd prompts.
You leave a blank at the end of a sentence and get the child to fill it in. These are typically used in books with rhyme or books with repetitive phases. For example, you might say, "I think I'd be a glossy cat. A little plump but not too ____," letting the child fill in the blank with the word fat. Completion prompts provide children with information about the structure of language that is critical to later reading. - Recall prompts.
These are questions about what happened in a book a child has already read. Recall prompts work for nearly everything except alphabet books. For example, you might say, "Can you tell me what happened to the little blue engine in this story?" Recall prompts help children in understanding story plot and in describing sequences of events. Recall prompts can be used not only at the end of a book, but also at the beginning of a book when a child has been read that book before. - Open-ended prompts.
These prompts focus on the pictures in books. They work best for books that have rich, detailed illustrations. For example, while looking at a page in a book that the child is familiar with, you might say, "Tell me what's happening in this picture." Open-ended prompts help children increase their expressive fluency and attend to detail.
- Wh-prompts.
These prompts usually begin with what, where, when, why, and how questions. Like open-ended prompts, wh- prompts focus on the pictures in books. For example, you might say, "What's the name of this?" while pointing to an object in the book. Wh- questions teach children new vocabulary. - Distancing prompts. These ask children to relate the pictures or words in the book they are reading to experiences outside the book. For example, while looking at a book with a picture of animals on a farm, you might say something like, "Remember when we went to the animal park last week. Which of these animals did we see there?" Distancing prompts help children form a bridge between books and the real world, as well as helping with verbal fluency, conversational abilities, and narrative skills.
CAR Method according to (walearning.com) website from language is the key: Early language is critical for academic success CAR method uses the overarching teaching approach of follow the child’s lead.
- C –comment and wait.
- A – ask a question and wait.
- R – respond by adding more.
Dialogic Reading in Action (videos)
Reading with Children
Machines at work
A mother reads a book with her son. Watch how she asks questions about pictures. She also puts some of the images in context of her child's experience.
Machines at work
A mother reads a book with her son. Watch how she asks questions about pictures. She also puts some of the images in context of her child's experience.
Books for Dialogic Reading with 1 to 2 Year Olds.
If you're looking for a book to practice dialogic reading with a young child consider the following questions and points.
- Are the pictures clear and simple? It is important that a dog looks like a dog for these very young readers if you are going to interact successively with the story.
- Is it a subject that interests the child? Choose a book based on the child's current areas of curiosity.
- Don't forget that if the child isn't interested don't push. Try another time or a different book.
Of course dialogic reading can be practiced with any books. Choose a book and enjoy the adventure.

1. Same Same
by Marthe Jocelyn and illustrated by Tom slaughter.
This book would invite be a great starting place for introducing shapes,
and opposites to a toddler.

2. In the Garden (a lift the flap book)
published by Barrons (any of the books in this series are
wonderful for sharing with curious toddlers)
Anticipating what is behind the flap encourages dialogic reading between toddler and parent.
3. Brown bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?
by Eric Carle
Each page ends with the question, what do you see? Parent and child can enjoy guessing what animal comes next. Toddlers love trying to make the animal noises. The rich vocabulary helps develop the beginning of a strong vocabulary.

4. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
by Eric Carle
More fun with Eric Carle and a whole new set of animals to explore.

5. Baby Giggles
By Rachael Hale
Happy babies, grumpy babies and sleeping babies depicted
in this attractive photographic board book introduce the conversation of facial expressions and moods.
(also other books in the Beautiful Baby series by Rachael Hale; Baby Colors)

6. Uh-Oh
by Rachel Isadora
Uh oh! I've spilled my cereal on my head, and I've put my shirt
on upside down, uh oh!
The expressive illustrations show the mischievous activities of a toddler. Parent and child can explore the details in the illustrations and talk about the everyday actions of the toddler in the illustrations.
(also look for other titles by Rachel Isadora; Peek-a-Boo Bedtime, Peek-a-Boo Morning)

7. Hello Baby
by Mem Fox
Illustrated by Steve Jenkins
"Are you a monkey with clever toes?." Who is baby? A monkey? A leopard? A crocodile? No each animal is different and special. Reading together parent and child can explore the uniqueness of each animal. The amazing collages clearly depict each animal.
8. Where is Baby's Beach Ball?
by Karen Katz
Lift the flaps to help baby find her beach ball. Lots of things to explore on the beach. Toddlers will love helping baby to find her precious ball.
(also explore other lift the flap books by Karen Katz; Where is Babies Birthday cake, and What Does Baby Say )
9. Peek-a Choo-Choo!
by Marie Torres Cimarusto
Illustrated by Stephanie Peterson
From fire engines to space rockets. Guess who is hiding behind each flap. Toddlers will love making noises for the different machines with their parents.

10. Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
by Mem Fox
Illustated by Helen Oxenbury.
Every baby has ten little fingers and ten little toes no matter
where they were born. Explore the joyful illustrations of babies
from all around the world.
Every baby has ten little fingers and ten little toes no matter
where they were born. Explore the joyful illustrations of babies
from all around the world.
Books for Dialogic Reading with 2 to 4 Year Olds
If you're choosing a book with rich dialogic reading opportunities with 2 to 4 years olds consider the following points:

1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle
Watch with your child as the caterpillar grows and eats until...surprise!
2. Chalk
by Bill Thomson
A delightful picture book based on the drawings of a little boy with magic chalk.
3. Are You a Ladybug ?
by Judy allen and Tudor Humphries
A fun little book about the life cycle of the ladybug.
4. Jacks House
by Karen Magnuson Beil, Illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka
Watch a house being built by dogs as they help their human.
5. Blue Hat, Green Hat
by Sandra Boynton
A delightful tale with bright colors, lots of funny pictures and giggles all around.
6. Opposites
by Sandra Boynton
Explore opposties with a young reader and laugh together at the humorous illustrations.
7.The Cat in the Hat
by Dr. Suess
A children's classic to be enjoyed by the next generation.

8. Clip Clop
by Nicola Smee
a pony takes his friends for a ride. A great way to talk about animal
names and noises. Prompt discussion about fast as slow and stop
as the pony gallops with his happy friends on board before
stopping, uh oh!
9. I Know a Hippo
By Charles Fuge
A young child plays with all her imaginary friends.
The whimsical illlustrations provide lots of material for
child and reader to explore.
10. Hands Can
by Cheryl Willis Hudson
Photographs by John-Francis Bourke
What can your hands do? Bright happy photos of children using their hands to play ball, and wave good bye.
11. The Treasure Bath
by Dan Andreasen (age range 2-6)
A delightful wordless book about a little boy and his bath. Watch as a chore turns into a fun time.
12. The Colors
by Monique Felix (Age range 4-6)
Learn colors by following the mouse through the book.
13. Tracy’s Mess
by Elise Peterson.
Illustrated by Iza Peterson (Age range 3-7)
Cleaning your room is never fun. Enjoy this funny story about a little girl's efforts to do just that.
14. The way I feel
written and illustrated by Janan Cain (Age range 2-8)
Wonderful colors and silly sayings help children learn about feelings. A good book for teaching about feelings as well as just having fun with.
15. Frederick
by Leo Lionni (Age range 4-8)
- Is this a book that is of strong interest to the child?
- Does it present plenty of question and answer opportunities?
- Will the illustrations catch the child's attention?

1. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle
Watch with your child as the caterpillar grows and eats until...surprise!
2. Chalk
by Bill Thomson
A delightful picture book based on the drawings of a little boy with magic chalk.
3. Are You a Ladybug ?
by Judy allen and Tudor Humphries
A fun little book about the life cycle of the ladybug.
4. Jacks House
by Karen Magnuson Beil, Illustrated by Mike Wohnoutka
Watch a house being built by dogs as they help their human.
5. Blue Hat, Green Hat
by Sandra Boynton
A delightful tale with bright colors, lots of funny pictures and giggles all around.
6. Opposites
by Sandra Boynton
Explore opposties with a young reader and laugh together at the humorous illustrations.
7.The Cat in the Hat

A children's classic to be enjoyed by the next generation.

8. Clip Clop
by Nicola Smee
a pony takes his friends for a ride. A great way to talk about animal
names and noises. Prompt discussion about fast as slow and stop
as the pony gallops with his happy friends on board before
stopping, uh oh!

By Charles Fuge
A young child plays with all her imaginary friends.
The whimsical illlustrations provide lots of material for
child and reader to explore.
10. Hands Can
by Cheryl Willis Hudson
Photographs by John-Francis Bourke
What can your hands do? Bright happy photos of children using their hands to play ball, and wave good bye.
11. The Treasure Bath
by Dan Andreasen (age range 2-6)
A delightful wordless book about a little boy and his bath. Watch as a chore turns into a fun time.
12. The Colors
by Monique Felix (Age range 4-6)
Learn colors by following the mouse through the book.

13. Tracy’s Mess
by Elise Peterson.
Illustrated by Iza Peterson (Age range 3-7)
Cleaning your room is never fun. Enjoy this funny story about a little girl's efforts to do just that.

written and illustrated by Janan Cain (Age range 2-8)
Wonderful colors and silly sayings help children learn about feelings. A good book for teaching about feelings as well as just having fun with.
15. Frederick
by Leo Lionni (Age range 4-8)
Some resources for parents...
There are numerous resources for parents when it comes to learning about dialogic reading and reading to their children in general. The best known authority on reading out loud is undoubtable Jim Trelease. His book The Read-aloud Handbook is now in the sixth edition and still going strong. As an original proponent of reading out loud to small children as a means to improve thinking skills and communications, he made the ideas of reading out loud a more main stream concept. Since his start, more has been discussed about reading out loud and the best ways to use it as a tool.
Trelease, J. (2006). The Read-aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition New York: Penguin.
Fox, M. (2008). Reading magic: Why reading aloud to our children will change their lives forever. New York: Mariner Books
These sites can be helpful to parents who are interested in learning more about the theories and ideas behind dialogic reading. Several tips are available to help parents or caregivers in addition to book suggestions, how to videos and additional information via links or books.
http://www.readingrockets.org/ This site has articles and information on dialogic reading. How to videos are included for parents who want a visual reference.
A simple description and outline of how dialogic reading works, this article is clear and easy to understand.
This article is an outline geared more toward educators with basic information on the how, why and benefits of dialogic reading
http://www.kcls.org/parents/kidsandreading/readytoread/booklists.cfm#tipreading The link takes the parent or caregiver to a site in the King County Library system that provides tips on reading out loud, books to read for different ages, finger plays and songs for having a fun time incorporating dialogic reading into every day activities.
Trelease, J. (2006). The Read-aloud Handbook: Sixth Edition New York: Penguin.
Fox, M. (2008). Reading magic: Why reading aloud to our children will change their lives forever. New York: Mariner Books
These sites can be helpful to parents who are interested in learning more about the theories and ideas behind dialogic reading. Several tips are available to help parents or caregivers in addition to book suggestions, how to videos and additional information via links or books.
http://www.readingrockets.org/ This site has articles and information on dialogic reading. How to videos are included for parents who want a visual reference.
A simple description and outline of how dialogic reading works, this article is clear and easy to understand.
This article is an outline geared more toward educators with basic information on the how, why and benefits of dialogic reading
http://www.kcls.org/parents/kidsandreading/readytoread/booklists.cfm#tipreading The link takes the parent or caregiver to a site in the King County Library system that provides tips on reading out loud, books to read for different ages, finger plays and songs for having a fun time incorporating dialogic reading into every day activities.
Printable Bookmark Summary.
Download a printable bookmark summary for easy access to the main points of this blog.
Carter, D., Chard, D., & Pool, J. (2009). A Family Strengths Approach to Early Language and Literacy Development. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36(6), 519-526. doi:10.1007/s10643-009-0312-5.
Doyle, B. G. & Bramwell, W. (2006). Promoting emergent literacy and social-emotional learning through dialogic reading. The Reading Teacher, 59(6), 554-564. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from Arts & Humanities Full Text. (Document ID: 1012871581).
Fielding-Barnsley, R., & Purdie, N. (2003). Early intervention in the home for children at risk of reading failure. Support for Learning, 18(2), 77-82. doi:10.1111/1467-9604.00284.
Kotaman, H. (2008). IMPACTS OF DIALOGICAL STORYBOOK READING ON YOUNG CHILDREN'S READING ATTITUDES AND VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT. Reading Improvement, 45(2), 55-61. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Morgan, P., & Meier, C.. (2008). Dialogic Reading's Potential to Improve Children's Emergent Literacy Skills and Behavior. Preventing School Failure, 52(4), 11-16. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from Alt-Press Watch (APW). (Document ID: 1548001861).
http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?did=1548001861&sid=6&Fmt=3& clientId=17867&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Whitehurst, G., & Lonigan, C. (1998). Child development and emergent literacy. Child Development, 69(3), 848. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Wasik, B. A., & Bond, M. A. (2001). Beyond the pages of a book: Interactive book reading and language development in preschool classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (2), 243–250.
Doyle, B. G. & Bramwell, W. (2006). Promoting emergent literacy and social-emotional learning through dialogic reading. The Reading Teacher, 59(6), 554-564. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from Arts & Humanities Full Text. (Document ID: 1012871581).
Fielding-Barnsley, R., & Purdie, N. (2003). Early intervention in the home for children at risk of reading failure. Support for Learning, 18(2), 77-82. doi:10.1111/1467-9604.00284.
Kotaman, H. (2008). IMPACTS OF DIALOGICAL STORYBOOK READING ON YOUNG CHILDREN'S READING ATTITUDES AND VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT. Reading Improvement, 45(2), 55-61. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Morgan, P., & Meier, C.. (2008). Dialogic Reading's Potential to Improve Children's Emergent Literacy Skills and Behavior. Preventing School Failure, 52(4), 11-16. Retrieved September 21, 2010, from Alt-Press Watch (APW). (Document ID: 1548001861).
http://libaccess.sjlibrary.org/login?url=http://proquest.umi.com.libaccess.sjlibrary.org/pqdweb?did=1548001861&sid=6&Fmt=3& clientId=17867&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Whitehurst, G., & Lonigan, C. (1998). Child development and emergent literacy. Child Development, 69(3), 848. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.
Wasik, B. A., & Bond, M. A. (2001). Beyond the pages of a book: Interactive book reading and language development in preschool classrooms. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (2), 243–250.
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