If you're looking for a book to practice dialogic reading with a young child consider the following questions and points.
- Are the pictures clear and simple? It is important that a dog looks like a dog for these very young readers if you are going to interact successively with the story.
- Is it a subject that interests the child? Choose a book based on the child's current areas of curiosity.
- Don't forget that if the child isn't interested don't push. Try another time or a different book.
Of course dialogic reading can be practiced with any books. Choose a book and enjoy the adventure.

1. Same Same
by Marthe Jocelyn and illustrated by Tom slaughter.
This book would invite be a great starting place for introducing shapes,
and opposites to a toddler.

2. In the Garden (a lift the flap book)
published by Barrons (any of the books in this series are
wonderful for sharing with curious toddlers)
Anticipating what is behind the flap encourages dialogic reading between toddler and parent.
3. Brown bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?
by Eric Carle
Each page ends with the question, what do you see? Parent and child can enjoy guessing what animal comes next. Toddlers love trying to make the animal noises. The rich vocabulary helps develop the beginning of a strong vocabulary.

4. Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?
by Eric Carle
More fun with Eric Carle and a whole new set of animals to explore.

5. Baby Giggles
By Rachael Hale
Happy babies, grumpy babies and sleeping babies depicted
in this attractive photographic board book introduce the conversation of facial expressions and moods.
(also other books in the Beautiful Baby series by Rachael Hale; Baby Colors)

6. Uh-Oh
by Rachel Isadora
Uh oh! I've spilled my cereal on my head, and I've put my shirt
on upside down, uh oh!
The expressive illustrations show the mischievous activities of a toddler. Parent and child can explore the details in the illustrations and talk about the everyday actions of the toddler in the illustrations.
(also look for other titles by Rachel Isadora; Peek-a-Boo Bedtime, Peek-a-Boo Morning)

7. Hello Baby
by Mem Fox
Illustrated by Steve Jenkins
"Are you a monkey with clever toes?." Who is baby? A monkey? A leopard? A crocodile? No each animal is different and special. Reading together parent and child can explore the uniqueness of each animal. The amazing collages clearly depict each animal.
8. Where is Baby's Beach Ball?
by Karen Katz
Lift the flaps to help baby find her beach ball. Lots of things to explore on the beach. Toddlers will love helping baby to find her precious ball.
(also explore other lift the flap books by Karen Katz; Where is Babies Birthday cake, and What Does Baby Say )
9. Peek-a Choo-Choo!
by Marie Torres Cimarusto
Illustrated by Stephanie Peterson
From fire engines to space rockets. Guess who is hiding behind each flap. Toddlers will love making noises for the different machines with their parents.

10. Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes
by Mem Fox
Illustated by Helen Oxenbury.
Every baby has ten little fingers and ten little toes no matter
where they were born. Explore the joyful illustrations of babies
from all around the world.
Every baby has ten little fingers and ten little toes no matter
where they were born. Explore the joyful illustrations of babies
from all around the world.